Thistle Lodge No.62 - In Memorium

Thistle Masonic Lodge 62 - Office Bearers

A Tribute to Our Departed Brethren

In memorium of our brethren and in the quiet reflection of our hearts and the solemn spaces of our thoughts, we pause to honor the memory of our brethren who have laid down the working tools of life and passed into the celestial lodge above.

The bonds of brotherhood that unite us in life do not unravel in death. Here, we pay tribute to those whose absence is felt as a missing column in the edifice of our fraternal union. Their contributions to our lodge, their love for their families, and their service to the community leave behind a legacy that time cannot erode.

Thistle Lodge No.62 remembers each brother with profound respect and affection, acknowledging the indelible marks they have left on our lives and the foundations of our lodge. In their memory, we find inspiration to live with greater kindness, to work with purer motives, and to extend the hand of fellowship with unwavering commitment.

Below, we list the names of our departed brethren, a solemn roll call of those who have journeyed beyond our sight but remain forever in our hearts. We invite you to join us in remembering their lives, cherishing their memory, and honouring their legacy.

Our Masonic Brothers whom have ascended to the “House not Built with Hands”- The roll of the workmen has been called, and one Master has not answered to his name. He has laid down the working tools of the Craft, and with them, he has left the mortal part, for which, he no longer has use.

Those Called From Labour:

Bro. John Coyle Snr.

Bro. Gilbert John Everett P.M.

Bro. David Leslie Snr.

Bro. James Dalgleish P.M. H.M. (Past Provincial Grand Master)

Bro. Samuel Henderson

Bro. Ronald Jackson

Bro Peter Sharp P.M. H.M. (140)

Bro. John Jackson P.M. H.M. (140)

Bro. William Hastings

Bro. Bryce Ireland

Bro. John O Green P.M. H. M. (Past Provincial Grand Master)

Bro. Robert Wilson

Bro. James Craig

Bro. John Service

Bro. Robert Fergusson

Bro. George MacRae Crosbie P.M.

Bro. Derek Caringham

Bro. Raymond Carruthers P.M.

Bro. Ian Grant

Bro. Tam Thinsmith

Bro. Jerry Jardine

Bro. William Cook

Bro. Ernest Thompson

Bro. Frank Mitchell

Bro. Norman Talbot P.M. H.M. (Past Provincial Grand Master)

Bro. Ian Cook

Bro. Andrew Nelson 

Bro. David William Leslie Jnr

Bro. James Paul

Bro. James Dixon P.M.

Bro. Eric Mclean P.M.

Bro. David Copland

Bro. Roy Grierson

Bro. Andrew Charters

Bro. John Brennon

Bro. John Trainer

Bro. George Robert Blount

Bro. James Reid Kelly

Bro. Rev. Bruce John Laird Hay P.M.

Bro. Rev. George Helon P.M. 

Bro. William Bone

Bro. William Jardine

Bro. Kenneth Gillespie

Bro. James McLean Hyslop P.M.

Bro. Samuel Steel P.M.

Bro. Ronald Caruthers

Bro. Irvine Peter Stuart  P.M. H.M. (Past Provincial Grand Master)

Bro. George Harrison H.M. (53)

Bro. Fred Marshall

Bro. Robert Turner

Bro. John Preston

Bro. William Stewart

Bro. Robert Maxwell Graham P.M.

Bro. Phillip White

Bro. Andrew Inglis P.M. H.M. (53)

Bro. George Barr

Bro. Daniel Cook

Bro. Robert Sharp

Bro. Robert Pearson

Bro. Craig Jackson

Bro. James Niven

Bro. Andrew Ross

Bro. Robert McWhan P.M.

Bro. Douglas Baldwin

Bro. Frank Carruthers (H.M.) (140)

Bro. Fred Newton

Bro. John Cowper

Bro. Harry Livingstone